Results for 'François Bouchetoux Emmanuel Levinas'

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  1. Sociality and money.Emmanuel Levinas, Translated by François Bouchetoux & Campbell Jones - 2007 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 16 (3):203-207.
    This is a translation of "Socialite et argent", a text by Emmanuel Levinas originally published in 1987. Levinas describes the emergence of money out of inter-human relations of exchange and the social relations - sociality - that result. While elsewhere he has presented sociality as "non-indifference to alterity" it appears here as "proximity of the stranger" and points to the tension between an economic system based on money and the basic human disposition to respond to the face (...)
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    Sociality and money1.Emmanuel Levinas, François Bouchetoux & Campbell Jones - 2007 - Business Ethics 16 (3):203-207.
    This is a translation of ‘Socialité et argent’, a text by Emmanuel Levinas originally published in 1987. Levinas describes the emergence of money out of interhuman relations of exchange and the social relations – sociality – that result. While elsewhere he has presented sociality as ‘nonindifference to alterity’ it appears here as ‘proximity of the stranger’ and points to the tension between an economic system based on money and the basic human disposition to respond to the face (...)
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  3. The Subject of the Welcome: On Jacques Derrida’s Adieu à Emmanuel Levinas.François Raffoul - 1998 - Symposium 2 (2):211-222.
    Through a close reading of Derrida’s recently published Adieu à EmmanueI Lévinas, the author undertakes to reflect on the significance of the expression “subject of the welcome,“ which Derrida retrieves from Levinas’s work. The author singles out four essential propositions which could define this hospitable subjcet: 1. The welcome of the other is a welcome of an infinite; 2. the welcome of the other is a genitive subjeetive; 3. the welcome is not a gathering; 4. the host is a (...)
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  4. The absolute master: Hegel and Hobbes in the thinking of Emmanuel Levinas.Jean-Francois Rey - 2006 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 60 (235).
  5. (1 other version)Textes pour Emmanuel Lévinas.François Laruelle - 1984 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 89 (1):135-137.
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    Jean-Francois Lyotard: The Interviews and Debates.Jean-François Lyotard & Kiff Bamford (eds.) - 2020 - London, UK: Bloomsbury.
    Jean-François Lyotard (1924-1998) was one of the most important French philosophers of the Twentieth Century. His impact has been felt across many disciplines: sociology; cultural studies; art theory and politics. This volume presents a diverse selection of interviews, conversations and debates which relate to the five decades of his working life, both as a political militant, experimental philosopher and teacher. Including hard-to-find interviews and previously untranslated material, this is the first time that interviews with Lyotard have been presented as (...)
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    François Poirié & Philippe Nemo, Emmanuel Levinas aan het woord. Elf gesprekken, 2006.Luc Anckaert - 2009 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 71 (4):816.
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    Le maître absolu : Hegel et Hobbes dans la pensée d'Emmanuel Levinas.Jean-Francois Rey - 2006 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 1 (1):75-89.
  9. Claire Katz & Lara Trout , Emmanuel Levinas. Critical Assessments of Leading Philosophers Thomas Bedorf, Andreas Cremonini , Verfehlte Begegnung. Levinas und Sartre als philosophische ZeitgenossenSamuel Moyn, Origins of the Other: Emmanuel Levinas between Revelation and Ethics Pascal Delhom & Alfred Hirsch , Im Angesicht der Anderen. Levinas' Philosophie des PolitischenSharon Todd, Learning from the other: Levinas, psychoanalysis and ethical possibilities in educationMichel Henry, Le bonheur de Spinoza, suivi de: Etude sur le spinozisme de Michel Henry, par Jean-Michel Longneaux Jean-Francois Lavigne, Husserl et la naissance de la phénoménologie . Des Recherches logiques aux Ideen: la genèse de l'idéalisme transcendantal phénoménologique Denis Seron, Objet et signification Dan Zahavi, Sara Heinämaa and Hans Ruin ,Metaphysics, Facticity, Interpretation. Phenomenology in The Nordic Countries Dimitri Ginev,Entre anthropologie et herméneutique Magdalena Marculescu-Cojoc. [REVIEW]Tomáš Tatranský, Sophie Loidolt, Eric Sean Nelson, Lawrence Petch, Rolf Kühn, Yves Mayzaud, Denisa Butnaru, Andreea Parapuf, Jassen Andreev & Adrian Niţţ - 2006 - Studia Phaenomenologica 6:453-487.
    Claire Katz & Lara Trout, Emmanuel Levinas. Critical Assessments of Leading Philosophers ; Thomas Bedorf, Andreas Cremonini, Verfehlte Begegnung. Levinas und Sartre als philosophische Zeitgenossen ; Samuel Moyn, Origins of the Other: Emmanuel Levinas between Revelation and Ethics ; Pascal Delhom & Alfred Hirsch, Im Angesicht der Anderen. Levinas’ Philosophie des Politischen ; Sharon Todd, Learning from the other: Levinas, psychoanalysis and ethical possibilities in education ; Michel Henry, Le bonheur de Spinoza, suivi (...)
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    L'idée de l'infini : Descartes dans la pensée d'Emmanuel Lévinas.Jean-François Lavigne - 1987 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 92 (1):54 - 66.
    Le projet d'E. Lévinas — manifester l'intelligibilité de la transcendance — le conduit à rencontrer, comme une figure exemplaire, l'expression cartésienne de l'extérionté, le thème de l'idée de l'infini. Jusqu'où va cette similitude ? Selon Lévinas, la responsabilité — pour autrui — inscrit déjà la transcendance, comme relation avec un au-delà, dans l'immanence à soi de la conscience, en tant que son en deçà, sa condition. « Par suite, l'idée de l'infini est le mode d'être, l'infinition même de l'infini ». (...)
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    L'épreuve de la limite: Derrida, Henry, Levinas et la phénoménologie.François-David Sebbah - 2001 - Paris: Presses Universitaires de France - PUF.
    Ce livre trouve sinon son origine, du moins son impulsion, dans une rencontre avec des textes : ceux d'Emmanuel Levinas, de Michel Henry et de Jacques Derrida. Ces textes ne confrontent-ils pas leur lecteur à une pratique excessive de la méthode phénoménologique? N'a-t-on pas affaire à une phénoménologie pour ainsi dure victime d'un emballement parce que son souci de l'originaire la mènerait inéluctablement à se porter vers ce qui excède le champ de l'apparaître? Une phénoménologie caractérisée par une (...)
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    La humanidad es bíblica. Emmanuel Lévinas.Rafael Stockebrand Gómez - 2019 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 36 (2):557-566.
    La presente traducción fue realizada del original “Die Menschheit ist biblisch”, publicado en _Jüdisches Denken in Frankreich. Gespräche mit Pierre Vidal-Naquet, Jacques Derrida, Rita Thalmann, Emmanuel Lévinas, Léon Poliakov, Jean-François Lyotard, Luc Rosenzweig_ por Jüdischer Verlag. Frankfurt am Main en 1994, páginas 117-131. Agradezco a la profesora Elisabeth Weber, editora y traductora de la obra, por la autorización para publicar esta traducción. Asimismo agradezco a Sara Bertschik por sus agudos comentarios. Esta traducción fue realizada en el marco del (...)
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    French Phenomenology.François-David Sebbah & Robert J. Hudson - 2006 - In Hubert L. Dreyfus & Mark A. Wrathall, A Companion to Phenomenology and Existentialism. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 48–67.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Emmanuel Levinas Michel Henry Jacques Derrida Jean‐Luc Marion Jacques Derrida The Saturated Phenomenon According to Jean‐Luc Marion The Face According to Levinas The Auto‐Revelation of the Figure of Christ in Michel Henry.
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    Modernity in French Thought: Excess in Jacques Derrida, Emmanuel Levinas, and Jean-François Lyotard.Richard Beardsworth - 2006 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2006 (137):67-95.
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    Utopie Et Socialisme. Par Martin Buber. Traduit de l'allemand par Paul Corset et François Girard. Préface d'Emmanuel Lévinas. Paris, Aubier-Montaigne, 1977. 261 p. [REVIEW]Jean Roy - 1979 - Dialogue 18 (1):110-113.
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    Levinas and Literature: New Directions.Michael Fagenblat & Arthur Cools (eds.) - 2020 - De Gruyter.
    The posthumous publication of Emmanuel Levinas’s wartime diaries, postwar lectures, and drafts for two novels afford new approaches to understanding the relationship between literature, philosophy, and religion. This volume gathers an international list of experts to examine new questions raised by Levinas’s deep and creative experiment in thinking at the intersection of literature, philosophy, and religion. Chapters address the role and significance of poetry, narrative, and metaphor in accessing the ethical sense of ordinary life; Levinas's critical (...)
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    Lévinas’s déb'cle: Looking for the face(s) of the human in the twenty-first century.Monika Murawska - 2022 - Technoetic Arts 20 (1):65-78.
    We are living in an age when ‘everything is coming apart at the seams’, as the poet and painter Erna Rosenstein put it. Given this, I analyse the concept of the débâcle formulated and used by the French phenomenologist François-David Sebbah to explore the philosophy of Emmanuel Lévinas. The débâcle connotes catastrophe, fracture, failure, collapse and disintegration, but its semantic range also encompasses the breaking up of ice, escape and ruin. As Sebbah dissects this concept in the context (...)
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    Emmanuel Levinas’s “The Spiritual Essence of Antisemitism (according to Jacques Maritain)”.Emmanuel Levinas & Michael Portal - 2021 - Levinas Studies 15:1-7.
    The following is an early, previously untranslated essay by Emmanuel Levinas concerning “the metaphysics of antisemitism.” This essay, published originally in 1938 for Paix et Droit, concerns the shared history and destiny of Jews and Christians, religious groups who maintain a relation of essential “foreignness” to, and so “do not belong” to, the “pagan” world. Levinas distinguishes between the long history of Jewish-Christian antagonism and the newer Nazi-style antisemitism, a particularly insidious “racism” that threatens both Jews and (...)
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    The Effects of Psychotherapist's and Clients' Interpersonal Behaviors during a First Simulated Session: A Lab Study Investigating Client Satisfaction.François Moors & Emmanuelle Zech - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Emmanuel Levinas. Textes relatifs à la soutenance de thèse du 6 juin 1961.Emmanuel Levinas - 2012 - Cahiers de Philosophie de L’Université de Caen 49:23-68.
    Présentation Le dossier de la soutenance de thèse d’Emmanuel Levinas tel qu’il se trouve dans les archives déposées à l’IMEC contient des textes préparés à l’avance, notamment l’intervention initiale d’Emmanuel Levinas pour la présentation de son travail, mais également des réponses à partir du rapport de Gabriel Marcel reçu avant la soutenance. Il y a sans doute également des textes écrits au moment même de la soutenance. Tels qu’il...
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    Emmanuel Lévinas.Emmanuel Lévinas & Jacques Rolland - 1984
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    (1 other version)Bulletin de philosophie morale et politique.Jean-François Kervégan & Emmanuel Picavet - 2002 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 2 (2):105-136.
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  23. The paradox of morality: An interview with Emmanuel Levinas.Emmanuel Levinas, Tamra Wright, Peter Hughes & Alison Ainley - 1988 - In Robert Bernasconi & David Wood, The Provocation of Levinas: Rethinking the Other. New York: Routledge.
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    Répondre d'autrui Emmanuel Lévinas.Emmanuel Lévinas & Paul Ricœur - 1989
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    To the Other: An Introduction to the Philosophy of Emmanuel Levinas.Adriaan Theodoor Peperzak & Emmanuel Lévinas - 1993
    The fruit of the author's many courses on Emmanuel Levinas in Europe and the United States, this study is a clear introduction for graduate students and scholars who are not yet familiar with Levinas's difficult but exceptionally important oeuvre. After a first chapter on the existential background and the key issues of his thought, chapters 2, 3, and 4 concentrate on and include a short text, "Philosophy and the idea of the Infinite," which contains the program of (...)
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  26. Chronique archéologique de la religion grecque (ChronARG).François Quantin, Emmanuel Voutiras, Kalliopi Chatzinikolaou, Alexis D’Hautcourt, Natacha Massar, Christina Mitsopoulou, Isabelle Tassignon, Massimo Osanna, Ilaria Battiloro & Nicola Cucuzza - 2009 - Kernos 22:245-301.
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    Emmanuel Lévinas: philosophe et pédagogue.David Banon, Emmanuel Lévinas & Paul Ricœr - 1998 - Nadir.
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    Entretien avec Emmanuel Lévinas.Emmanuel Lévinas & Françoise Armengaud - 1985 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 90 (3):296 - 310.
  29. Emmanuel Levinas. Altérité et Responsabilité. Guide de lecture.Simonne Plourde, Emmanuel Levinas, Adriaan T. Peperzak, Simon Critchley & Robert Bernasconi - 1998 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 60 (3):613-614.
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    „Geisel für den Anderen – vielleicht nur ein harter Name für Liebe“: Emmanuel Levinas und seine Hermeneutik diachronen da-seins.Bernhard Casper & Emmanuel Lévinas - 2020 - Verlag Karl Alber.
    In unserer Gegenwart der unwiderruflichen Globalisierung und digitalen Technifizierung, in welcher wir zum ersten Mal in unserer menschlichen Geschichte konkret die Mittel zu einem Gattungssuizid in der Hand haben, ist keine Frage für ein ernsthaftes philosophisches Denken so fundamental wie jene von Kant unter dem Titel „Alles Interesse meiner Vernunft“ am Ende der „Kritik der reinen Vernunft“ gestellte: Was aber sollen wir mit dem, was wir dank unseres Wissens tun können, in unserer Freiheit aber tun? (Vgl. KrV A 805). Husserls (...)
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    La Différence comme non-indifférence: éthique et altérité chez Emmanuel Lévinas : le séminaire du Collège international de philosophie.Emmanuel Lévinas & Arno Münster - 1995 - Editions Kime.
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    Entre Nous: Essays on Thinking-of-the-Other.Emmanuel Levinas - 2000 - Columbia University Press.
    Emmanuel Levinas is one of the most important figures of twentieth-century philosophy. Exerting a profound influence upon such thinkers as Derrida, Lyotard, Blanchot, and Irigaray, Levinas's work bridges several major gaps in the evolution of continental philosophy--between modern and postmodern, phenomenology and poststructuralism, ethics and ontology. He is credited with having spurred a revitalized interest in ethics-based philosophy throughout Europe and America. _Entre Nous_ (Between Us) is the culmination of Levinas's philosophy. Published in France a few (...)
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    (1 other version)Chronique archéologique de la religion grecque (ChronARG).Joannis Mylonopoulos, Despina Chatzivasiliou, Alain Duplouy, Michael Fowler, François Quantin, Emmanuel Voutiras, Kalliopi Chatzinikolaou, Massimo Osanna, Ilaria Battiloro & Alexis D’Hautcourt - 2014 - Kernos 27:379-444.
    01. Athènes, Attique, Mégaride (Joannis Mylonopoulos) 01.00 – Généralités – Une vue d’ensemble mise à jour des cultes impériaux de Trajan (Athènes), d’Hadrien (Athènes, Éleusis), d’Antonin le Pieux (Athènes) et de Marc Aurèle (Athènes) qui incorpore des informations épigraphiques ainsi que des témoignages archéologiques tels que statues, autels et bâtiments. L’étude traite également des fêtes et des prêtres associés au culte de l’empereur. F. Camia, Theoi Sebastoi. Il culto degli imperatori r...
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    Is it righteous to be?: interviews with Emmanuel Lévinas.Emmanuel Lévinas - 2001 - Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press. Edited by Jill Robbins.
    Emmanuel Levinas (1905-1995) is at the center of the renewed debate over the question of the ethical. In the context of the phenomenological tradition, Levinas defines ethics as an originary response to the face of the other. Between 1982 and 1992, Levinas gave numerous interviews, closing a distinguished sixty-year career. Of the twenty interviews collected in this volume, seventeen appear in English for the first time. In the interviews Levinas sets forth the central features of (...)
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    Existence and existents.Emmanuel Levinas - 1978 - Pittsburgh, Pa.: Duquesne University Press.
    As Emmanuel Levinas states in the preface to Existence and Existents, "this study is a preparatory one. It examines . . . the problem of the Good, time, and the relationship with the other [person] as a movement toward the Good." First published in 1947, and written mostly during Levinas's imprisonment during World War II, this work provides the first sketch of his mature thought later developed fully in Totality and Infinity and Otherwise than Being, or Beyond (...)
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  36. Otherwise than being: or, Beyond essence.Emmanuel Levinas - 1974 - Hingham, MA: Distributors for the U.S. and Canada, Kluwer Boston.
    A sequel to Levinas' Totality and Infinity.
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  37. (1 other version)Totality and infinity: an essay on exteriority.Emmanuel Levinas - 1961 - Hingham, MA: distribution for the U.S. and Canada, Kluwer Boston.
    INTRODUCTION Ever since the beginning of the modern phenomenological movement disciplined attention has been paid to various patterns of human experience as ...
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    Alterity and Transcendence.Emmanuel Lévinas - 1995 - Columbia University Press.
    Internationally renowned as one of the great French philosophers of the twentieth century, the late Emmanuel Levinas remains a pivotal figure across the humanistic disciplines for his insistence--against the grain of Western philosophical tradition--on the primacy of ethics in philosophical investigation. This first English translation of a series of twelve essays known as _Alterity and Transcendence_ offers a unique glimpse of Levinas defining his own place in the history of philosophy. Published by a mature thinker between 1967 (...)
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    Positivité et transcendance: suivi de Lévinas et la phénoménologie.Emmanuel Lévinas & Jean-Luc Marion - 2000 - Presses Universitaires de France - PUF.
    La pensée d'Emmanuel Lévinas a d'emblée été connue des philosophes et des universitaires, dès son premier ouvrage, La théorie de l'intuition chez Husserl, en 1930. Avec " Totalité et Infini " (en l963), il fut reconnu comme un innovateur puissant et originel pour son développement de la phénoménologie. Pourtant, plus récemment, l'immense intérêt du public pour Lévinas s'est déplacé, plutôt, vers les conséquences ou les marges de son projet initial. Ce déplacement a sa légitimité, prouvant au moins la pertinence (...)
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  40. Ethics and Infinity.Emmanuel Lévinas & Philippe Nemo - 1985 - Duquesne.
    A masterful series of interviews with Levinas, conducted by French philosopher Philippe Nemo, which provides a succinct presentation of Levinas's philosophy.
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    Humanisme de l'autre homme.Emmanuel Lévinas - 1972 - [Montpellier]: LGF/Le Livre de Poche.
    Réinventer l'humanisme. Retrouver le sens de l'humain. Et pour y parvenir, redéfinir des notions simples l'Autre, l'amour, la liberté, la responsabilité... Humanisme de l'autre homme éclaire les grands thèmes de la pensée d'Emmanuel Lévinas. Texte intégral.
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    Dieu, la mort et le temps.Emmanuel Lévinas & Jacques Rolland - 1993 - LGF/Le Livre de Poche.
    Deux cours. Les deux derniers professés par Emmanuel Lévinas en Sorbonne, durant l'année universitaire 1975-7976. Deux cours qui sont comme une glose méditative autour de quelques mots : Dieu, la mort, le temps. En ouverture, la mort et le temps. Pour la première fois, ces deux notions qui parcourent l'œuvre entière du philosophe sont longuement explicitées. Parallèlement, Lévinas renoue avec sa recherche sur le mot Dieu, inversant les termes du diagnostic heideggerien : lorsque la philosophie a confondu, dès son (...)
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  43. Reflections on the Philosophy of Hitlerism.Emmanuel Levinas & Seán Hand - 1990 - Critical Inquiry 17 (1):63-71.
    The philosophy of Hitler is simplistic [primaire]. But the primitive powers that burn within it burst open its wretched phraseology under the pressure of an elementary force. They awaken the secret nostalgia within the German soul. Hitlerism is more than a contagion or a madness; it is an awakening of elementary feelings.But from this point on, this frighteningly dangerous phenomenon becomes philosophically interesting. For these elementary feelings harbor a philosophy. They express a soul's principal attitude towards the whole of reality (...)
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    The Final Meeting between Emmanuel Lévinas and Maurice Blanchot.Michaël Lévinas & Sarah Hammerschlag - 2010 - Critical Inquiry 36 (4):649-651.
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    Time and the Other.Emmanuel Levinas - 1987 - Duquesne.
    Emmanuel Levinas is a major voice in twentieth century European thought. Beginning his intellectual career in the 1920s, he has developed an original and comprehensive post rationalist ethics of social responsibility and obligation. The influence of his work has already been profound and far-reaching, readily acknowledged by such diverse and important figures as Jean-Paul Sartre, Jacques Derrida, and Enrique Dussel. Time and The Other was first presented as a series of lectures in 1946-47 at the College Philosophique and (...)
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    Lévinas: soggettività e infinito.Emilio Baccarini & Emmanuel Lévinas - 1985
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    Humanism of the Other.Emmanuel Levinas & Richard A. Cohen - 2003 - University of Illinois Press.
    Levinas on the possibility and need for humanist ethics In Humanism of the Other, Emmanuel Levinas argues that it is not only possible but of the highest exigency to understand one's humanity through the humanity of others. In paperback for the first time, Levinas's work here is based in a new appreciation for ethics and takes new distances from phenomenology, idealism, and skepticism to rehabilitate humanism and restore its promises. Painfully aware of the long history of (...)
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  48. Entretien Levinas–Ricœur.Emmanuel Levinas & Paul Ricoeur - 1998 - In Danielle Cohen-Lévinas, Emmanuel Levinas. Paris: PUF. pp. 9--28.
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    Hors sujet.Emmanuel Lévinas - 1987 - LGF/Le Livre de Poche.
    La 4ème de couv. indique : "Avec "Hors sujet", Emmanuel Levinas revient et approfondit sa réflexion sur le noyau dur de sa philosophie : la relation avec l’Autre. Méditation superbe qui entraîne vers l’analyse des "Droits de l’homme et droits d’autrui", une approche singulière du "Langage quotidien" et de la "rhétorique sans éloquence", ou encore de "La Transcendance des mots". En chemin, le philosophe retrouve la trace de ceux auprès desquels il a fortifié sa propre pensée – Merleau-Ponty, (...)
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  50. Otherwise than Being or Beyond Essence.Emmanuel Levinas & Alphonso Lingis - 1981 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 17 (4):245-246.
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